“Why the U.S. Culture of Colonial Extraction Is Making People Sick and Destroying the Planet”
“Your Top Priority is The Emotional Comfort of the Most Powerful Elites, Which You Fulfill by Never Criticizing Them.
Corporate journalists have license to use their huge platforms to malign, expose and destroy anyone they want. Your moral duty: sit in respectful silence and never object.”
Democrats & Republicans gave responsibility for America’s response to COVID to Charles Koch with the result of 100s of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
Koch knew he had purchased the Supreme Court\Washington and was above the law, so he followed a course of action that would go on to murder 1 million Americans that his political ideology deemed inferior.
The choice has never been clearer - either we get rid of America’s Democratic and Republican parties and give all Americans a fair chance at survival or they kill the entire planet and us along with it.
“Scientists Agree: It’s Time To End The War On Wildlife”
“The killing agency: Wildlife Services’ brutal methods leave a trail of animal death”

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