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01/2022 They actually have a plan for social cleansing it's called "the Georgia Guidestones"

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Know “The Collapse Chronicle” at


“Collapse is Inevitable

Fixing the problem has nothing to do with getting people on board”

Yet we are losing social cohesion in America as part of the Richs’ Divide and Conquer tactics – currently playing out at the state level and the US supreme court.


“The Tipping Point that will DESTROY the World | George Monbiot”

“I doubt that 1% of people really understand what we’re facing: the prospect of systematic environmental collapse”


It’s all part of a deliberate, well-documented plan by the Rich to socially cleanse the earth’s population: How else would you explain Biden fast tracking oil and gas expansion in Alaska & Gulf and a new pipeline to the east August of 2022.

2019-08-10 _F2A7697aaa

The individuals in the video below are personally responsible for the death of our planet’s ability to support life and they need to be held personally responsible.

Many of these same people and more are also responsible for the 2 party political action plan for social cleansing called the “Georgia Guidestones”.

Their offenses don’t stop there. They and their affiliates are the drivers of: countless forms of social and economic injustice; war profiteering; destruction of America’s education system; the war on wildlife and the environment; and fascist white nationalism both in the USA and abroad.

They are notorious for their tax evasion. Including their violating the provisions to qualify their foundations for tax-exempt status. All told, they are the premiere “pen and paper terrorist” group on the planet. More than one of them are in fact War Criminals. Altogether they are the single worst blight on humanity, if not the enders of our species.

Unfortunately, they own both the Democratic and Republican political parties in America, as well as the newly weaponized U.S. Supreme Court. This despite the fact that they should be arrested for attempted Omnicide (in addition to countless other legal and other human rights violations). Their ideology serves as the motiving force for countless government acts of social murder.

Their goal is complete control over America. All the extremism, asocial ideology, guns, anti-abortion, you name it, incidences and topics of America’s dysfunction and dystopia stems from these people’s push to manipulate the masses in their favor. The end result will include the final liquidation of anything remaining of the environment/commons.

They do not limit their agenda to just control over America.

“Vice (2018) Say Goodbye to Global Warming”


“Breaking News:

Canadian political science experts wars that it’s likely that the United States will be under a right-wing dictator by 2030.

Canada is taking action to protect itself against the “collapse of American democracy.”


“How a violent neo-Nazi group sought to recruit from Canada’s military”


“Biden calls for tighter censorship of Covid-19 content

President urges social media platforms and news outlets to “deal with misinformation and disinformation””


All that’s left is the dying:

Kevin Hester: “Coming ready or not;”

“The IPCC didn't expect this to happen until that magic number 2100.”

“Record levels of greenhouse gas methane are a ‘fire alarm moment’

Average atmospheric concentrations of methane reached 1900 parts per billion last September, the highest in nearly four decades of records”


April 2019 “How long do we have?

The March 2019 temperature is in line with an earlier analysis that 2019 could be 1.85°C warmer than preindustrial and that a rapid temperature rise could take place soon,”

“A catastrophe of unimaginable proportions is unfolding. Life is disappearing from Earth and all life could be gone within a decade. At 5°C of warming, most life on Earth will have disappeared. When looking at near-term human extinction, 3°C will likely suffice. Study after study is showing the size of the threat, yet many people seem out to hide what we're facing.

How long do we have? The image is created with NASA LOTI data, adjusted 0.78°C to reflect a 1750 baseline, ocean air temperature and higher polar anomaly. Trends are added based on 1880-2019 (purple) and 2000-2019 data (red). The long-term purple trend points at 2025 as the year when 3°C rise from preindustrial could be crossed, while the red trend that focuses on short-term events shows how a 3°C rise from preindustrial could be reached as early as in 2020.

From the post 'How long do we have?', at: “


Kevin hester

“2050 has become the new 2100 rubicon.

This is classic corporate media projecting the collapse long off into the future when in reality it's unravelling in real time, live and direct.

How exciting, until were all victims.”

“Climate-fueled permafrost thaw threatens up to half of Arctic infrastructure -report”

“Thawing permafrost could put as much as 50 percent of Arctic infrastructure at high risk of damage by 2050, requiring tens of billions of dollars in maintenance and repairs, scientists have warned.”


“Antarctica : What happens if the 'Doomsday' Glacier collapses?”

“Doomsday’ Glacier MELTING 6 times faster!”


Jan 13 2022: “Ocean Temperatures Just Smashed a New Record For The Sixth Year in a Row”


“Hottest ocean temperatures in history recorded last year”


John Berbatis:


Climate models show switch will happen decades faster than previously thought, with ‘profound’ implications.”

“Rain to replace snow in the Arctic as climate heats, study finds”


Sam Carana


“Methane grows 16.3 ppb in 2021.”

“Growth in methane averages between latitudes 60°S and 60°N was 14.6 parts per billion (ppb) in 2020 and 16.3 ppb in 2021, according to a Copernicus news release.

The added trend ominously points at a growth rate for 2022 that could be more than 20 ppb.

From the post 'Terrifying Arctic greenhouse gas levels continue', at:”


“Bolivia Achieves Record Levels of Economic and Social Growth in 2021”


Dystopia on Steroids and America is predominately to blame. Sorry but it is what it is:

“What to expect from the world's sixth mass extinction

Humans alive today are witnessing the beginning of the first mass extinction in 65 million years. What does biodiversity loss mean for us and the environment?”


“The Great Siberian Thaw”

Kevin Hester:

““The problem is, you can’t just turn off, let alone reverse, permafrost thaw,” one scientist said. “It won’t be possible to refreeze the ground and have it go back to how it was.”

Until recently 24% of the Northern Hemisphere was covered in permafrost

This great link has a brilliant audio-option.”


“Expert EXPOSES Central Bank’s Socialism For The Rich”


“The American people are not the problem. The problem is the chokehold the corporate-captured two party duopoly has on our political system it assures that no one who fundamentally challenges corporate control will get near the levers of presidential power.”


Democrats gave us the Trump Presidency:

Andrew Yang:

“The fact is the Dems should have let Bernie and Hillary go at it fair and square in 2016, which Bernie probably wins. And Bernie probably beats Trump in ’16. The Democratic Party sometimes has very anti-democratic impulses.”


“Blue America’s Messaging Problem”

"'Democracy' now means not the rule or sovereignty of the people but the fiat of elites and 'experts,'" warns Michael Anton in his latest essay for the American Mind.

"When the people can be persuaded, duped, or bullied into ratifying expert insistence, so much the better. That extra pretense of legitimacy helps quiet and discredit dissent. When they can’t, no matter. The 'right thing' will be done, come what may, and that too is 'democratic' under the new meaning. The cloyingly disingenuous phrase 'our democracy' really means 'their oligarchy.' Reds are not included—except as subjects."


If the top 10% own 89% of all stocks, Democrats making $1 billion per day available to keep the stock market a float is a massive govt transfer of wealth to the rich (not to mention all the money war shovels at the stock price of corporations in the defense industry)

“The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks”


Republicans announce withdrawal of their candidate from 2024 presidential debate;

Canadian intelligence advises protecting Canada from USA dictatorship;

Pfizer & other Fortune 500 firms reinstate donations to white nationalist extremists vying for public office;

Democrats failing to do what it takes,...

all laying the groundwork for Trump’s return to the Presidency in 2024

It’s America, money gets what money wants, regardless of the social cost

“R.N.C. Signals a Pullout From Presidential Debates”


Population projections of 9 to 10 billion by 2100 are complete and utter hogwash exaggeration


“A simple experiment with a profound message, measuring the temperature of exposed soil, cut grass and uncut grass in summer. The results speak for themselves, a reading from the hedge would have been interesting to include.” 19.5C to 43.8C


“The 2007–2008 Financial Crisis in Review

" The financial crisis of 2007-2008 was years in the making. By the summer of 2007, financial markets around the world were showing signs that the reckoning was overdue for a years-long binge on cheap credit. Two Bear Stearns hedge funds had collapsed, BNP Paribas was warning investors that they might not be able to withdraw money from two of its funds, and the British bank Northern Rock was about to seek emergency funding from the Bank of England.

It was an epic financial and economic collapse that cost many ordinary people their jobs, their life savings, their homes, or all three. "


Fed Bailout of Bear Stearns First of its Kind Since Great Depression

" The nation’s fifth largest investment bank Bear Stearns nearly collapsed last week. It was saved only after the Federal Reserve took extraordinary measures to help JPMorgan purchase the eighty-five-year-old firm. The Fed has become the lender of last resort for other investment banks in a move that marks one of the broadest expansions of the Fed’s lending authority since the 1930s. We speak with Nomi Prins, an author and former investment banker at Bear Stearns, and Max Fraad Wolff, an economist and writer. "

1999 repeal and those Democrats who signed it.

“If we didn’t have all of you. The so called “financial elite” to handle the economy, the ordinary citizens and consumers would bankrupt our whole country with poor decisions and selfish spending.” Sen. Hillary Clinton speaking to Executives at Bear Sterns Bank in 2008.


“I don’t know a lot about life but I do know I’m glad I don’t support a party whose leaders made a PowerPoint to plan and attempt a coup. We didn’t vote for fascists. We shot them.”


“A nation run by bankers will never be out of debt.

A nation owned by weapons manufacturers will never know peace.

A nation that allows a small segment of its citizens to write the laws will never know justice.

And if these elements own the media, we will never know the truth.”


George Tsakraklides:

“Humanity will only notice its collapse five seconds to midnight, when something suddenly shatters its #Metaverse. Until then we are trapped in Netflix, Amazon and home working. So #DontLookUp or down, or sideways. Just look into your screens till it all goes black. Time to die


Christian Baker:

“"As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures.

All except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end, and that they should change their ways accordingly."”


“Western Australia 🇦🇺 is scorching right now with temperatures hitting a staggering +50.7°C (123°F).

This ties the highest ever temperature measured in the Southern Hemisphere (and equals the Australian all-time record from 1960).

Scott Duncan”


Read Greg Palast: GE was single handedly 100% responsible for the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Just like the oil and gas industry was 100% responsible for the flooding of New Orleans in the hurricance:

“General Electric has tried everything, except investing in American workers”


“The Thermodynamics of Collapse | Tim Garrett”


“‘A Trash Heap for Our Children’: How Norilsk, in the Russian Arctic, Became One of the Most Polluted Places on Earth”

“A smelting company has poisoned rivers, killed off boreal forest and belched out more sulfur dioxide than active volcanoes. Now it wants to produce more metal for the “green economy.””

“It's been more than a year since a 6.5-million-gallon diesel fuel tank collapsed at Norilsk Nickel, causing the worst ever oil spill in the Arctic. The company insists it can clean up the damage, and its reputation.”


“Why Lawns Must Die”


“We must dismantle the military-industrial complex and rein in consumerism before we destroy life as we know it.”

“The Climate Won’t Survive Our Current Appetite for Consumerism and Consumption”


Alan Goodin:

“Welcome to the FaceBook Edition of "The Jerry Springer Show." Our job is to keep you arguing with each other. It doesn't matter to us who's right or wrong, Left or Right. It only matters that we win by keeping all of you arguing with each other. The game is called, "Divide & Conquer."”


[***This content isn’t available right now***] courtesy of facebook censors]


Cephalopods were once predicated to be the next dominate life form on earth, then we killed the planet:

“Scientists rally against the world’s first octopus farm”


“If cows were a country, they would be among the top greenhouse-gas emitters

Holding global warming to 1.5°C will require major reforms for the food and forestry industries.

Discover more about sustainability from our in-house experts:

“COP26 made net zero a core principle for business. Here’s how leaders can act”


Maureen Haley

“California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare) - A bold, public-funded, "cradle-to-grave, head-to-toe" healthcare reform bill to replace the commercial, for-profit-only healthcare system and take control of healthcare away from companies like Pacifica Companies and political lobbyists like the California Association for Health Facilities (CAHF). Join an Save Our Seniors Network ...”

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