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01/2022 “There Is No Adapting to This [Extreme Weather]”

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Food Insecurity in America:

“Here's why grocery stores are struggling to stock their empty shelves”

Jan 2022: “Grocery store shelves across America are wiped clean, and they're staying empty as stores struggle to quickly restock everyday necessities such as milk, bread, meat, canned soups and cleaning products.”


Food Insecurity in America:

“Floods Destroying Food Crops in the United States of America”

Kevin Hester:

“Drought or deluge, feast or famine, the new abnormal.

At first food will be much more expensive, starving the poor worse than ever and then when the collapse completely unfolds there will be no food. Then of course as CO2 levels increase the nutritional value of the crops decreases.”

2020 Photos CCCaaa2p


“America Is Experiencing a Brutal Mental Breakdown

We need to talk openly about the pandemic behind the pandemic”

“It’s a horrible way to die —over 860,000 Americans have died of Covid, gasping for air, with lungs that feel full of mud, or on fire, or filled with a thousand stinging bees. Covid has exacted a toll on American mental health. The crisis is far from over. In fact, it’s probably just beginning.”


2021: “The extreme rate of global warming: IPCC Oversights of future climate trends”


“PINK SKY AT NIGHT Bizarre ‘apocalyptic’ pink and purple sky over Glasgow leaves locals mesmerized”’


“War on Children, Spirituality, Tradition & Environment”

David Marinelli:

“"Since 2020 there has been, what seems to be, the final push by the pharmaceutical, media, energy, petrochemical, food and tech amoral industries towards the establishment of a global totalitarian regime. These are the very same industries that are wiping out the natural world and biodiversity." #DoNotComply #massextinction #ecocide


Divide and Conquer practices of the Rich are working:

“Social Cohesion Is Vital, and We're Losing It”

“The United States is tumbling toward socio-political crisis. Here are just a few of the distress signals recently visible:

1. The insurrection at the US Capitol building (January 6, 2021).

2. Rapidly increasing numbers of death threats against politicians—including threats from fellow politicians.

3. A majority of followers of one of the two main political parties telling pollsters that they would approve of violence as a means to political power (for the population as a whole, one in three now say that political violence can be justified, up from one in six in 2010).

4. A state governor planning to set up a militia, answerable only to himself.

5. Continual demonization by members of both major political parties of their opponents as "unamerican."

6. US generals warning that disaffected military personnel may lead another insurrection in 2024.

7. Threats to "primary" elected leaders (i.e., to challenge them in primary elections with candidates more extreme and doctrinaire), leading to ever-further radicalization and polarization of the political positions of policy makers.

8. The proliferation of weapons (there are now 120.5 guns in the US for every 100 people).”


Say good bye to the New England States:

"New England is warming faster than the rest of the planet, new study finds"

Kevin Hester:

"The authors of the scientific paper, which was published in the most recent edition of the journal Climate, analyzed temperature data over more than a century across the six New England states and documented how winters are becoming shorter and summers longer, jeopardizing much of the region’s unique ecology, economy, and cultural heritage."


“Permafrost Dynamics and Degradation in Polar Arctic From Satellite Radar Observations, Yamal Peninsula”

Mike Ohlinger, Paul Beckwith: “Despite the source of the gas and how it formed the aforementioned cavities and caused blowouts and crater formation remain unclear (it could be gas from gas hydrate dissociation and natural gas deposits in permafrost, gas migrated from deeper horizons or mixed gas), the data obtained can be used as among the elements in calculating the volumes of gas emissions from previously unaccounted sources of powerful methane blowouts in the Arctic under the “Global Carbon Project”


Don’t things go completely blotto at 1,500’ish?

January 7, 2022: John Berbatis

Atmospheric Methan no 1,900 ppb

Note the following:

“C02e= C02 + methane + nitrous oxide + fluorinated hydrocarbons and water vapor,

7% more per degree C above 1750 baseline. That would take it to?

Zack Labe:

“Methane (CH₄; potent greenhouse gas) set a preliminary record high value in September 2021... reaching 1900 ppb for the first time in this data set

September 2020's global methane abundance was 1884.7 ppb.”


2017 “Hundreds of Huge Craters Discovered in the Arctic Ocean

The potentially ominous depressions in the sea floor formed after ice sheets melted, letting trapped methane blow out.”


“Record numbers of NHS staff quit as frontline medics battle Covid pandemic trauma

EXCLUSIVEMore than 27,000 people voluntarily resigned from the NHS from July to September last year, the highest number on record”

Mark Trewick

“(Record numbers of NHS staff quit as frontline medics battle PTSD and Covid pandemic trauma.)

This is what collapse looks like.

The day that everyone realises is not far off. The day when there's a run on the banks and the police and fire crews don't get paid. The day when everyone starts to walk off their jobs when money isn't a thing. The day that the prisoners are set free because there's no staff to secure them. That day when the transport grid, energy grid, nuclear power grid and all other grids of complexity begin to shut down for good. This is how it begins. Collapse is a process, not an event.”


“Why Is “Mainstream Thinking” at the Epicentre of Our Climate Emergency?

How did we get it so wrong? How did we miss who was sitting across from us at the climate negotiating table?”

“A planet that is "high on capitalism" won't get anywhere close to the #climate solutions that we need to ensure a stable world for our children.”


“Melting icebergs key to sequence of an ice age

New study unravels long-standing climate mystery and provides insight into how our planet may change in the future”


“Climate change: For 25th year in a row, Greenland ice sheet shrinks”

Mark Trewick

“I've done the math.

166, 000, 000, 000 billion tons per year.


31, 556, 926 seconds in a year.


5,260 ton's of meltwater per second, on average, is pouring off Greenland into the sea.

We would need to go back 53 million years, to the time of the last great mass extinction to see a Greenland like it is today. Except that back then, it was melting at a rate hundreds of times slower than it is today.

The dots are all there, you simply have to connect them to see we're in big trouble.”


“This Private Equity Firm Is Amassing Companies That Collect Data on America’s Children”

Private Equity controls more than the Postal Service under DeJoy:

“Vista Equity Partners has been buying up software used in schools. Parents want to know what the companies do with kids’ data.”


“There Is No Adapting to This [Extreme Weather]”

“The U.S. is hemorrhaging money and lives in the face of the climate crisis. No level of adaptation can keep up without cutting emissions.”


Sperm count in Human males could reach zero by 2045:

“Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity”

“The chemicals to blame for our reproductive crisis are found everywhere and in everything “

“Dept. of Children of Men: The end of humankind may be coming sooner than we think, thanks to hormone-disrupting chemicals that are decimating fertility at an alarming rate around the globe. Sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. Following the trajectory we are on, Swan’s research suggests sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. Zero.”


“The Future is Here, and It’s Made of Apocalypse

All the Catastrophes that Were Dismissed as Alarmism Are Now Coming True — All At Once”

“The future is here, and it’s a choice of every catastrophe that humanity has ever faced, only at a larger scale than we have ever had to contend with, or even imagine. And all those catastrophes are happening faster and harder than we imagined. Hence, a feeling of shock, ruin, and despair. We knew everything we needed to know 50 years ago. But made no real preparations. Americans have spent decades voting against any kind of public investment. And so they cheerily went along their business, individualists to the last, instead of preparing for the apocalyptic future that was merely a few short years away.”

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